lørdag den 30. marts 2013

AfterWar Boy ?

I remember occupying years of Denmark as a dark and gloomy ghost, a shadow of fear over everyday life and my life. A ghost, especially from the nights of the siren-howl from the Copenhagen rooftops crept into the homes and people and my first years. When the Nazis had lost their war and most of Europe was shattered ruins. They also left Denmark with large after-war scars.

We boys had easy access to all the droppings, as the German occupation troops threw away before they began the return journey to ruins in their neighboring Germany. Of course boys who play war, can never die. The majority was dangerous and was confiscated by the adults, but I remember we came even around in gas-masks, cartridge-belts, steel-helmets and even explosives pencils.

One of the major findings was when I with a few other boys were playing in Copenhagen Utterslev-bog near home. I dug with a pole at the bottom after one of our small sailing ships which had gone to the bottom.
Suddenly the pole grab something heavy and pulled a strap up, which was associated with a gun (a German Mauser rifle) it turned out to be. It was a harrowing formidable discoveries for us boys. When we got it into dry land. We were, however, been observed by one of the bog-guards who came and scolded us, and then threw the rifle into the water again and drove his way

However, we had observed the place where the rifle fell into, and resumed fishing again until we again had the rifle on land. Now it was important to get it transported home and I got the idea to tie it on the bar of my bike and then run it the few miles to the property. In this way the transport would not attrac attention. Here we got the mud-wet Mauser rifle mounted on an attic in connection with the residential.

Fortunately, the rifle was not equipped with charging framework and cartridges. The Mauser rifle was thoroughly wiped, and tested by us boys with red ears and spiky hair. 
We also provided it with a German-bayonet, which also was in my possession. We hid the rifle in the attic for some time, then our special Mauser-toy were discovered and confiscated.

(From my series Flashbacks)

The ambitious man ?

The ambitious man ?

If a man stands out, or highlight his way on behalf of others the  stages is named: Admired - Envy - Hated
(A flashback from office life in street-fight and terror)

During my association with a larger export company in my younger years between over hundred employees, I learned the truth of this initial diagnosis.

Most of us will of course go forth in the world and make a career, indoctrinated as we are from childhood slogans as 'limitless growth'. This is usually done at the expense of any given neighbor. Anything goes in order to subjugate the others personal qualities. As a media graphic designer I also met one of those others, who constantly sought attention and influence with assaults on next to me men's work.

He was employed as a copywriter, and was a highly skilled, meeting- accustomed, eloquent and sympathetic person with knowledge of the sophisticated manipulation in addition to any surrounding circumstances and colleagues. I was then noted how he in his tedious copywriter-boredom searched impact on aspects of me and others' areas.  At that time I had most to do with reproduction of the company's extensive technical literature, and the many flyers in foreign languages (main-languages).

He pushed forward with pods force and allegedly better knowledge, and sought elegantly camouflaged, to interfere beyond his assigned territory. I had then reached a relatively recognition and position with my efforts, and I was now feeling a colleague-envy and intrusion, which could only lead to a kind of armed neutrality on my part.

A lesson in relation to  ambitious fellowers behavior I had to give experience as I had to relate myself to this fellow with suspicion and caution, since he by all power and with different skillfully arranged tricks, was trying to take over and cloud my work. My inborne and developed ability to be watchful, controlling and at the forefront of situations, contributed to attempt to be my superior failed for this man.  He sought out and got after a short time employment with another company.

PS !
He had roots from the danish island Bornholm, we who were born and raised in northwest-side of Copenhagen used to include an expression between us as follows:
Bornholmers, priests, slesvigers and radio-dealers please 

keep far away from your life.

Det ambitiøse menneske ?
Hvis et menneske udmærker sig, eller fremhæver sig frem for andre hedder stadierne:
Beundret - Misundt - Forhadt
(Et flashback fra kontorlivets gadekamp og terror)

Under min tilknytning til et større exportfirma i mine yngre år, hvor her var over hundrede ansatte, erfarede jeg sandheden af denne indledende diagnose.

De fleste vil jo frem i verden og gøre karriere, indoktrineret som vi er fra barnsben af paroler som grænseløs vækst. Dette sker oftest på bekostning af en hvilkensomhelst tildelt sidemand. Alle kneb gælder for at kunne underlægge sig de andres personlige kvaliteter.
Som medie-grafiker mødte jeg da også en af disse andre, som uophørligt  søgte opmærksomhed og indflydelse med overgreb på sidemændenes arbejdsområder.

Han var ansat som tekstforfatter, og var en særdeles dygtig, mødevant, veltalende og sympatisk person med kendskab til manipulationens raffinerede tilsætning til eventuelle omgivende situationer og kolleger. Jeg blev dengang opmærksom på hvorledes han i sin kedsommelige tekstforfatterkvide søgte indflydelse på aspekter af mit og andres områder.
Jeg havde dengang mest at gøre med mangfoldiggørelse af selskabets omfattende tekniske litteratur, og de mange reklametryksager på fremmede sprog (hovedsprogene).

Han masede sig frem med bælgkraft og påstået bedreviden, og søgte elegant camoufleret, at blande sig ud over det ham tildelte område. Jeg havde dengang opnået en forholdsvis anerkendelse og position med min indsats, og jeg fik nu at mærke en kollegas misundelse og indtrængen, som kun kunne afføde en slags væbnet neutralitet fra min side.

En lektion i forhold til ambitiøse medmenneskers adfærd måtte jeg tillægge erfaring, idet jeg måtte forholde mig til denne kollega med mistro og forsigtighed, eftersom vedkommende af al magt og med forskellige dygtigt arrangerede hundekunster, søgte at overtage og forplumre mit arbejdsområde. Min medfødte og udviklede evne til at være vagtsom, kontrollerende og på forkant med situationer, medvirkede til at forsøget på at blive min overmand ikke lykkedes
for dette menneske. Han søgte væk og fik efter kort tid ansættelse i et andet firma.

PS !
Han havde rødder på Bornholm, og vi  som var født og opvokset i nordvestkvarterets København brugte bl.a. et udtryk  imellem os  som følger:
Bornholmere, præster, sønderjyder og radioforhandlere 

skal du holde dig langt fra livet. 

(From my series Flashbacks)

mandag den 25. marts 2013

Man as a threshing machine ?

Man as a threshing machine ?

A threshing machine is a desktop or portable machine previously used to separate the seeds from straw crop. The energy that was needed to pull the work, was transferred by a belt from a horse walk, water mill, steam engine, electric motor or tractor.
A mans spiritual interior is comparable to a threshing machine as the picture. Along the way in life, this man fed so many different kinds of indeterminable "strategic crops" to be processed and sorted to "usable cores."

Frequently running this human threshing machine for years now without actually appear anything. (a kind of idling) -
Every now and then something happens, because there are some seeds out which is regarded as wisdom, pearls and guidance for this man. To some extent bankruptcies human threshing machine also completely silent for several years, because he is well pleased with proceeds from a threshing years back. 

One can also say that the person is completely satisfied because the quality of what came out after working for many years ago, is just like the others. He wants no change, nor that something is excreted. Threshing Plant bankruptcies quiet and can clog the straw material and weeds. 

The human threshing machine process, separates and sorts to such an extent that when something is supplied, starts a noisy shaking and dancing machinery often for a long time, even several years, and the result may prove as useless granules or secreted quickening seed.

Mennesket som et tærskeværk ?
Et tærskeværk er en stationær eller transportabel maskine som tidligere blev benyttet til at separere kerner og frø fra stråafgrøder. Energien, der skulle til for at trække værket, blev overført med en drivrem fra en hestegang, vandmølle, dampmaskine, elektromotor eller traktor. 

Et menneskes åndelige indre er at sammenligne med et tærskeværk som på billedet. Undervejs i tilværelsen bliver dette menneske tilført så mange forskellige slags ubestemmelige "strå-afgrøder" som skal bearbejdes og sorteres til "brugbare kerner." 

Ofte kører dette menneskelige tærskeværk i årevis uden at der egentlig fremkommer nogetsomhelst. (en slags tomgang) - Nu og da sker der noget, idet der kommer nogle frøkorn ud som bliver betragtet som livsvisdom, guldkorn og rettesnor for dette menneske. I nogen grad står det menneskelige tærskeværk også helt stille i adskillige år, idet vedkommende er godt fornøjet med udbyttet fra en tærskning år tilbage. 

Man kan også sige at personen er helt tilfreds fordi kvaliteten af det der kom ud efter bearbejdning for mange år siden, er ganske som de andres. Vedkommende ønsker ingen forandring, heller ikke at noget bliver udskilt. Tærskeværket kører tomgang og lader sig tilstoppe af stråmateriale og ugræs.

Det menneskelige tærskeværk bearbejder, udskiller og sorterer i en sådan grad, at når noget bliver tilført, larmer ryster og danser maskineriet ofte i lang tid, ja flere år, og resultatet kan vise sig som ubrugelige granulater eller udskilte levendegørende frøkorn.

lørdag den 23. marts 2013

Shithead ?

Shithead ?

A little bird lying on the ground near death from cold, but is saved by a cow that shit on it. The bird wakes up to life in warm cow-shit and begin to twitter. This hear a cat that undermines it free, and eat it.

Moral of the story: 

Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy. Not everyone who pulls you out of shit is your friend. And remember : - If you are warm and safe, so do not whistle.

Remember : The wise see danger and creeps into hiding.....

fredag den 22. marts 2013

Timeless Life ?

It is often said we must live in the present, this resistant moment as incessantly apparently appears to us humans. However this amazing "NOW" is very difficult to maintain. We almost are winding constantly back and forward on our "life-USB."

We revel in the past
and are planning a future virtually unexamined.
Life just can not be kept in balance if we dont, in the light of experience and knowledge of the past and the future, are trying to set a road we should follow in a lifetime. We judge each other on the past, and impact our daily lives in a future that we often without particular success are trying to anticipate.
Therefore I have chosen to express:


Just yesterday because, without consciousness of a bygone time and people who have gone before me, not to come back, give me prerequisites for living a now confirming my life. Maybe tomorrow, because tomorrow is not a given. Everything can be over in an instant. 

Dont rely on your mind, It can be deprived. There may be times where you will not possess a past or a future. In such case a man can be a living death. So better while living let you convince and enclose of the universal spirit, which together with your soul and body, are able to guide and rescue you, both from the empty life, and over into eternity. 

Rubber-Soul ?

Rubber-Soul ?
Petit-meter measurements on the surrounding betrayal !

We are surrounded by many souls, and we can be like "trading-souls" naming them in the order they appear. My little "Petitmeter-measuring-instrument" from the back-pocket is like a 'Vernier caliper' and a 'slide rule' in this context.

"Rubber-Soul" is an expression of the specific human nature,
serving the highest bidder on any market. Especially when it comes to opinions, thoughts and attitudes that tickles from the surroundings in your ears. You will not know where you have 'thy next' and he or she is like an uncertain companion.

He or she is also to compare with a hungarian "Pusta-rider,"
on the horse distraught and considering the surrounding horsemen
in a galloping herd. In search for a horse with rapper hoofbeats
and lead direction ? 

Rubber-Souls are also to find between religious "Bongo-bikers"
who juggle their way among "moths in moonlight." He or she is not anchored –– a ship without ballast. Trying to see only the positive side of any situation, whereby he or she is being cheated in a degree as running water. (Can't be positive and negative in combination on the way in lifetime.) 

A Rubber-Soul could also have been participated in former times religious 'Thirty Years' War', in one of the feudal-princes army groups. Here he would have struggled without delay, and first be aware of his hopeless participation, when he far too late sank, mortally wounded by his opponent's sword.

(From my series how to avoid Rubber-Souls 
with help of a build-in Petit-meter)